Nomenclature - Glossary of Terms
Sealant, in extruded bead form, used to seal end laps of roof panels for weather-tightness. Also called Bead Mastic.

A plate welded at the end of a member.
A term used to describe the entire composition of a building end. See Post and Beam Endwall or Rigid Frame Endwall.

Framing located at the endwall of a building which supports the loads acting on a portion of the end bay.
A vertical member located at the endwall which supports the girts and endwall rafter.
Normally a cold-formed 'C' section supported by end posts of post-and-beam endwalls. Endwall rafters can also be built-up or hot rolled sections if required by design loads.
Roof cantilevered beyond the endwall.
The on site assembling of pre-fabricated components to form the complete structure.
Drawings and erection instructions which identify all the individual components in sufficient detail to permit the proper assembly of all parts of the metal building system furnished by the seller.
A weather-tight joint across the width of the building allowing for expansion and contraction.