Nomenclature - Glossary of Terms
The manufacturing process usually performed in a plant to convert raw material into finished metal building components. The main operations are cold- forming, cutting, punching, welding, cleaning and painting.
An accessory whose function is to enhance the appearance of a wall. Also used to cover the eave or gable of a building.

Modification or rectification carried out on site.
Flat dome headed bolt used in framed openings, fascias, and mezanines.

Top of the concrete slab or the finished concrete surface.
A column base that is designed to resist rotation as well as horizontal or vertical movement.

The projecting edge of a structural member.

An angle member extending between girts or purlins to the inner flange of columns or rafters respectively, to provide them with lateral support and stability.

A sheet metal closure used to provide weather-tightness in a structure.
Supplied in a nozzled cartridge. Used to seal overlapping flashing, gutter joints, etc.